Luneta To Tagaytay 60KM Midnight Ultramarathon

REGISTER NOW!On February 26, 2023, 12:00AMLUNETA TO TAGAYTAY 60KM MIDNIGHT ULTRAMARATHON Registration fee:P2,500 (Until February 15, 2023) You can send or deposit your registration fee to>BPI Account# 2769021364>Account Name: Joseph P. Baltazar>GCASH# 09183943572>Joseph P. Baltazar Finishers will receive a TROPHY, MEDAL, FINISHER SHIRT & MEAL.HYDRATION STATIONS: KM10, KM20, KM30, KM40, KM45, KM50 & Finishline...

Sandman 31.0686

Details and Guidelines Sandman 31.0686. The stretch, the climate, and the time pressure are not your ordinary walk in the park. A challenge that if you never go, you’ll never know. Date: June 11, 2023Venue: Paoay Sand Dunes, Ilocos Norte Distances 50 KM 50 slots ONLYAssembly date: June 11, 2023Race Kit Claiming: 00:00 A.M.Race...

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